It’s easy to use!

With our digitally friendly QR code, you can ensure customers' safety while fighting back labor shortages. An absolute out of the ordinary dining experience.

qr code friendly
qr code per table

Scan a designated QR code per table.

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Invite friends at the same table to order.

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Receipt options include print, text, or email.

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qr code per table
virtual serve

With a complete virtual server, customers can browse menus, place an order, request utensils and water entirely on their own.

payment method

For business security purposes, customers preauthorize a debit or credit card before placing the order and then decide their preferred payment method at the end of the meal.

ab pos go

Place orders as a guest or by signing into AB GO account to enjoy an easier checkout by reordering favorite dishes and using stored payment methods.

Endless possibilities with
QR code solutions.

Power-full tool to build and grow your restaurant.

grow your restaurant
customized menu

No expensive equipment needed.

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Complementary customized menu.

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A complete virtual server.

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Automatically suggest gratuity at checkout.

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customized menu

Analytics and reporting tools.

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Kitchen Display System and printer integrations.

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Help business owners with staff shortage.

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Multiple payments accepted, debit, credit, digital wallets, and cash.

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multiple payments
time based menu

Reduce comps and voids—customers can fulfill their orders from their own device.

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Customers can create a profile to aid businesses in managing loyalty programs.

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Time-based menu to ensure promotions like happy hours, since they are available only at specific hours of the day.

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time based menu