Provide your customers with the
best and fastest services all in one.

customer loyalty

Clients enjoy a broad list of benefits to increase business productivity while gaining customer loyalty and recognition.

customer loyalty

AB GO solutions.

menu management v2

Real-Time Menu Management.

Make on-the-fly menu updates at the tip of your fingers.

text communication v2

Two Way Text communication.

Manage guest expectations and tackle operational challenges with direct two-way communication.

delivery fees v2

Reduce 3rd party delivery fees.

Restaurants are able to create their own online ordering platform and delivery systems.

guest loyalty v2

Guest Loyalty.

Get first party data for a personalized guest experience.


Geofence technology integration.

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Customers can save their favorite restaurant.

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Automatically suggest gratuity at check-out.

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Incoming orders, cooking times, and delivery order alerts.

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technology integrations

Receipts options by email or text.

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Kitchen Display System and printer integrations.

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Payment flexibility debit, credit, and digital wallets.

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Place a food order as a guest or create a profile.

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place a food order

Customers can create a profile to aid businesses in managing loyalty programs.

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Customers can store credit card information for a faster check-out.

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Customer relationship management assistance.

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Time-based menu to ensure promotions like happy hours are available only at specific hours of the day.

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No need to include third parties—fulfill your own deliveries.

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Order limiting set—limit the number of orders to accept at a specific time.

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Enjoy robust branding strategies—exclusive media and marketing materials.

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Incoming orders, cooking times, and delivery order alerts.

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kitchen display system

Order Scheduling- to fulfill future orders.

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Automatically suggest Kitchen Display System and printer integrations at checkout.

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kitchen display system